Act 1, Scene 2: Going Ballistic

Setting: An ornate dining room at the royal palace. The room consists mainly of an insanely loooooong dining table, with the Queen sitting at the far end towards [1] ... and guests have to approach from [7] and get to shout over the whole length of the table. The table is sparsely decorated with a few flowers and candelabras. The candles are flickering. There is a tea cup right in front of the Queen on the table.
Stage setupNameComment
BacklightNoneFor the windows
Left: Queens_Dining_Room_Left
Middle: Queens_Dining_Room_Middle
Right: Queens_Dining_Room_Right
On 2nd rail
dinner tableSpans whole stage from [6, 2nd] to [2, 2nd]. Contains dining chairs at both ends. 1.87 cm above 1st level ground (Three people for set up)
On playrail
Hand props & personal props
candelabraWane, Foxel3x on table at [3], [4], [5]. The candles on them need to flicker and be able to be turned on and off.
flowerDunkelpfote2x on table between candelbras
teacupKayjay1x on table at [2]
pot of tea2ndVoice1x for butler
Special effects
telekinesis machineFurvan, Haku, ZuriOn 2nd level, needs to move puppets and tee cups at high speed. (Three people for set up)
Zil'iyaPano'wolfZil'iya Wolf
1RATS4Remote 1 Blue Button (set 1 to 4)Telekinesis: Zil pulls Meld across Table
2RATS5Remote 1 White Button (set 2 to 5)Telekinesis: Zil pushes Meld across Table
3RATS6Remote 1 Red Button (set 3 to 6)Telekinesis: Zil pushes Cup across Table
4RATS7Remote 1 Green Button (set 4 to 7)Telekinesis: Zil pulls Cup slowly
Intro**03:50 **
Dialogue**05:50 **
**Scene Total****09:40 **


%LIG% LX-0099 Work Light OFF (Static Playbacks)

%LIG% LX-0099 STANDBY for GO, L7 backpro Light Blue #154, T2 near und far auf B light #19

%MIX% Check Levels
%MIX% Unmute Desk

%MIX% Puppeteer1: ON


%ATT% STBY Stage left [1, 1st, off]: None

%ATT% STBY Stage left [1, 2nd, off]: None

%ATT% STBY Stage right [7, 1st, off]: Butler

%ATT% STBY Stage right [7, 2nd, off]: Meld'okan, Vis'alik

%ATT% STBY Stage: Zil'iya on her seat at the table at [1, 2nd]

%AMB% AMB-1201 - Palace Ambience

%LIG% LX-0000 fade-in: backpro 100%, backdrop T2 near, mid, far alle

%HND% Open the Curtain.

%HND% Curtain - open

%LIG% LX-1200 Room

%ACT% Zil'iya is sitting at her end of the table at [1, 2nd], waiting for a report.

%ACT% Butler enters from [7, 1st] with a pot of tea.

Butler: "Would your majesty like some more tea?"

Zil'iya: "No, thank you. Is that village idiot here yet? What's his name again ..."

Butler: "Meld'okan, Madam. He's waiting in the hall."

Zil'iya: "Send him in."

Butler: "As you wish."

%ACT% Butler walks out to [7, 1st].

%SND% SND-1201 - Door Opens

%ACT% Meld'okan enters from [7, 2nd] and stops at the edge of the table.

Meld'okan: "Your Majesty."

%ACT% Meld'okan headbows.

Zil'iya: "Meld'okan. We are awaiting his report about the griffin hunt. He may speak."

%HND% Get Meld'okan mounted to the telekinesis machine while he is speaking.

Meld'okan (nervous): "Uhm, err, yes, Queen Zil'iya-Sen, uhm, here's my report: The test of my new ballistic ground-to-air defence system was a total success! The tracking range and precision greatly exceeded our expectations!"

Zil'iya: "So they have caught the griffin? Is it dead or still alive?"

Meld'okan: "Well, yes ... and no ..."

Zil'iya: "What is that supposed to mean?"

Meld'okan: "I ... uhm ... I'm pretty sure we DID hit it. But ..."

Zil'iya: "But what?"

Meld'okan: "It seems it got away."

%ACT% Zil'iya growls in anger.

%ACT% Zil'iya makes a gesture like lifting something up.

%SND% SND-1202 - Magic Grip

%ATT% Meld'okan's player needs to get their hand out of the puppet, hands player keeps playing.

%HND% lift Meld'okan up using the telekinesis machine's mechanism.

%ACT% Meld'okan starts to float, grabbing his throat as if he is being strangled.

%ATT% Meld'okan's player needs to move to the telekinesis machine's end stop at [1, 2nd].

%ACT% Zil'iya makes a quick "come here" gesture with her paw.

%ATT% Completely let go of Meld'okan so he only dangles from the machine.

%SND% RATS4 - Telekinetic YANK

%ACT% Meld'okan is accelerated at 5m/s by the telekinesis machine across the entire length of the table, pulled towards Zil'iya's paw from [7, 2nd] to [1, 2nd].

Meld'okan: "Yiiiiiikes!"

%HND% candelabras and flowers on the table are sent flying off.

%ATT% Meld'okan's player takes over the hands to continue grappling his throat.

%ACT% Butler immediately appears from [7, 1st] to set the candelabras and flowers back up on the table. This seems to be a normal occurrence to him. Once he's done he walks off to [1, 1st].

%HND% All the candles in the candelabras remain extinguished.

Zil'iya: "Listen, imbecile. We are not interested in the functioning of his toys. We gave him the order to bring us that creature, dead or alive. So where is it?"

Meld'okan (strangled): "I .... I wish I knew! There were lots of broken branches, plenty of blood too, and it went completely silent when the bolt hit ... as if it had vanished into thin air!"

Zil'iya: "Then why did he say the hunt was a success? Is he questioning Zil'iya-Sen's intelligence?"

Meld'okan (strangled): "No, your majesty, I was just trying to ..."

Zil'iya: "We suggest he keeps his mouth shut before he hurts himself."

%ATT% let go of Meld'okan's hands.

%ACT% Zil'iya pushes him away.

%SND% RATS5 - Telekinetic YANK BACK

%ACT% Meld'okan gets accelerated back to the other end of the table at [7, 2nd] by the telekinesis machine.

Meld'okan: "Yaaaahaaaahaiiii!"

%HND% All the candelabras and flowers on the table get scattered around the room again.

%ATT% Meld'okan's hands placer picks up the puppet hands once more.

%HND% Lower Meld'okan back down using the telekinesis machine's mechanism and unlock the puppet.

%ACT% Meld'okan falls over backwards for a moment.

%ATT% Meld'okan's player can slip back in.

%ACT% Butler immediately comes back from [1, 1st], setting up the candelabras and flowers with stoic routine, then walks out to [7, 1st].

%ACT% Meld'okan coughs and shakes as he reappears.

%ACT% Zil'iya snaps her fingers and the candles in the candelabras on the table light up again, one by one, starting at [1].

Zil'iya: "The queen is not amused. He may leave now."

%ACT% Meld'okan is frozen in place in fear.

Meld'okan: "Hmmmgmnngnngnnngn....."

Zil'iya: "OUT WITH HIM!"


%SND% SND-1204B - Door Opens

%ACT% Vis'alik comes in from [7, 2nd] and gently grabs Meld'okan by the shoulders, turns him around and shoves him towards the exit at [7, 2nd].

Vis'alik: "Out is this way ... and you might want to get a new pair of underpants."

%ACT% Meld'okan staggers off stage to [7, 2nd].

%SND% SND-1205 - Door Close

%HND% Move the sled of the telekinesis machine towards the queen at [1] for later.

Zil'iya: "Vis'alik! Finally someone who still has his wits together."

Vis'alik: "Greetings, my Queen. Who was that poor guy?"

Zil'iya: "Just a lousy peasant too dumb to catch a Griffin."

Vis'alik: "That creature has been on your mind a lot lately, hasn't it?"

Zil'iya: "Of course. Where there are griffins, there is magic, and as you know, I'd very much like to keep my monopoly on that."

Vis'alik: "Naturally. But why is that your personal concern? Isn't that the guard's job?"

Zil'iya: "I thought we had them all taken care of years ago, and this one suddenly appearing out of the blue is quite peculiar. One of the cat guards spotted it flying over the palace at night, which is an unusual place to ever see one. I plucked the image from his mind, and there was something oddly familiar about the shape. I can't quite place it yet, but I don't like it. I definitely need a better image of that Gryphon."

Vis'alik: "Did you ask the cat about it?"

Zil'iya: "No, if I had heard that idiot speak another word, I'd have thrown him out the window."

Vis'alik: "Then what about the other members of the hunting party. Like that one guy, what's his name ... Tim something. Isn't he an artist?"

Zil'iya: "Oh, yes! Tim'ofej! I know him! He worked for me before. If he could do a painting, or at least a drawing, that would be perfect! I feel like something is brewing. I need you to be my eyes and ears in the city, Vis'alik. Gryphons don't just suddenly appear out of thin air. All signs are pointing to a new source of magic in town. I need **you** to find it so it can be extinguished before it becomes a problem."

Vis'alik: "Give me a day to commission the art and come up with a plan, and I'll get back to you when I have news."

Zil'iya: "Thank you. That'll be all."

Vis'alik: "Permission to leave?"

Zil'iya: "Granted. Have a good day."

Vis'alik: "You too."

%ACT% Vis'alik leaves to [7, 2nd].

%SND% SND-1206 - Door Close

%ACT% Butler comes in from [7, 1st] with a pot of tea.

Butler: "Would her majesty NOW like another cup of tea?"

Zil'iya: "Yes, please."

%ACT% Zil'iya makes a dismissive gesture with her paw, ordering the teacup to meet the butler at the other end of the table.

%SND% RATS6 - Telekinetic YANK TEACUP

%HND% The teacup accelerates at maximum speed on the telekinesis machine, moving from [1] to [7] towards Butler, clearing off all candelabras and flowers from the table once more.

Zil'iya: "Oh, sorry, I ... I guess I'm a bit too excited for my own good at the moment."

%ACT% Butler fills up the teacup with the pot of tea without flinching.

Butler: "It's alright. Just be careful on the way back, the tea is hot. Just saying."

Zil'iya: "*sigh*"

%ACT% Zil'iya makes a very careful gesture.

%SND% RATS7 - Telekinetic SLOW TEACUP

%HND% The teacup moves slooooooooooooooooowly on the telekinesis machine from [7] towards Zil'iya at [1].

%ACT% Butler slowly puts all candelabras and flowers back on the table just behind the cup, he is still holding the pot of tea.

%HND% All the candles in the candelabras remain extinguished.

%ACT% Zil'iya and Butler stare at the teacup moving really slowly.

%HND% Curtain closes as the teacup has made it half way.

%LIG% LX-0099 Lights out

%HND% Close the Curtain.

%HND% Curtain - close


%LIG% LX-0099 Work Light ON