Act 1, Scene 3: Home is Where the Art is

Setting: The inside of Tim'ofej's house. It's a small but nice cozy living room. It's a fantasy style home that combines romantic RPG medieval charm, mixed up with some more modern elements. It's a timber-framed house, but the walls are limewash painted in a sort of warm tone, and the house has actual glass windows. Since it's night, the room is lit with gas lamps. There is an oven with a fire burning inside. There's an easel with a half drawn image of a dragon, and also a painting of a griffin (not Yan'ano) on the wall. Warm colors dominate the scene.
Stage setupNameComment
BacklightNoneFor the windows
Left: Tim_House_Left
Middle: Tim_House_Middle
Right: Tim_House_Right
On 2nd rail
oven[6]. Needs a surface to hold the kettle and an oven pipe (Two persons for set up)
shelf [7]Attached to backdrop at [7]. Holds 1x bread, bottle, water bottle as well as a hook beneath for the cloak (Two persons for set up)
shelf [6]Attached to backdrop at [6]. Needs a surface to hold 4x decorative object. (Two persons for set up)
lantern4x attached to backdrop on the positions of the wooden beams.
window curtains2ndVoiceAttached to backdrop at [4]. Needs to be able to be closed. (One person for set up)
easel[2, 2nd] A simple wooden easel. (One person for set up)
dragon paintingRangarig[2, 2nd] On easel. A half-finished dragon painting. Large enough to hide behind. (One person for set up)
On playrail
table[4] Needs a surface to hold the kettle. (One person for set up)
Hand props & personal props
kettlerandersOn shelf [7].
decorative objectranders4x on shelf [6] to be magicked away. Thin wires attached to magick away.
bottleZuriOn shelf [7] to be magicked away. Thin wires attached to magick away.
water bottleZuriOn shelf [7] to be magicked away. Same type of bottle as bottle. Thin wires attached to magick away.
kitchen knifeZuriHuge. Sticking in the bread on the table at [4].
breadZuri2x, one on the table, one on shelf [7].
cloakNoneHanging on a hook from shelf [7]. Static in this scene.
bagNoneHanging on a hook from the backdrop at [3]. Static in this scene.
Special effects
transformationBalisto, Luno
Yan'anoEisfuchsVerpeilusYan'ano Wolf
Yan'ano_GryphonDunkelpfoteOrun, ZephyrEisfuchsYan'ano GryphonNone
1RATS8Remote 1 Blue Button (set 1 to 8)Telekinesis: Tim grabs Kettle 1
2RATS9Remote 1 White Button (set 2 to 9)Telekinesis: Tim grabs Kettle 2
3RATS10Remote 1 Red Button (set 3 to 10)Telekinesis: Tim grabs Kettle 3
4RATS11Remote 1 Green Button (set 4 to 11)Telekinesis: Tim grabs Kettle 4
5RATS12Remote 2 Blue Button (set 5 to 12)Telekinesis: Tim sweeps shelf 1
6RATS13Remote 2 White Button (set 6 to 13)Telekinesis: Tim sweeps shelf 2
Intro**??:?? **
Dialogue**09:40 **
**Scene Total****??:?? **


%LIG% LX-0099 Work Light OFF (Static Playbacks)

%LIG% LX-0099 STANDBY for GO, alle T2 und QW und Backdrop (L7C) warm white #151 (torch #129?)

%MIX% Check Levels
%MIX% Unmute Desk

%MIX% Puppeteer1: ON


%ATT% STBY Stage left [1, 1st, off]: Tim'ofej, Yan'ano (Wolf puppet)

%ATT% STBY Stage left [1, 2nd, off]: Yan'ano (Gryphon puppet) without puppeteers

%ATT% STBY Stage right [7, 1st, off]: None

%ATT% STBY Stage right [7, 2nd, off]: None

%ATT% STBY Stage: None

%LIG% LX-0000 backdrop, T2 near und far fade-in

%HND% Open the Curtain.

%HND% Curtain - open

%AMB% AMB-1301 - House Ambience

%LIG% LX-1300 Room, opt. LX-1301 Oven

%SND% SND-1301 - Door Opens

%ACT% Tim'ofej comes in through the imaginary door at [1, 1st], followed by Yan'ano.

Tim'ofej: "So this is my little house. Come in and make yourself at home! You must be freezing!"

Yan'ano: "Ahhhh! Thank you so much! I fully expected you to shoot me when I fell out of that tree."

Tim'ofej: "Don't mention it. I can tell the difference between a highway robber and a man going through hardship."

Yan'ano: "I'll do my best not to be a burden."

Tim'ofej: "I'm trying to live by our traditional family values. The people of Shan'eno used to be famous for their kindness and hospitality. Unlike today."

Yan'ano: "Oh yes, Say'ake-Sen was such a good King. The time before Queen Zil'iya took the throne truly was the heyday of Shan'eno."

Tim'ofej: "So you've been here before?"

Yan'ano: "A **long** time ago. When the summers were warmer. And people's hearts, too."

Tim'ofej: "Speaking of warm, can I interest you in a cup of tea?"

Yan'ano: "Absolutely."

Tim'ofej: "All right! Just give me a minute."

%ACT% Tim'ofej walks to shelf [7] that has a water kettle on it.

%ACT% Tim'ofej reaches for the kettle, but it's just out of reach by a clearly visible amount.

%SND% RATS8 - Telekinesis KETTLE (subtle)

%HND% The kettle slides into Tim'ofej's hand as if by magic. (Spoiler: It's actually magic.) It happens so casually that Tim'ofej doesn't even notice it himself.

Yan'ano: "Woah! What was that?! Did you just ..."

Tim'ofej: "What?"

Yan'ano: "Eh, just ignore me, my mind must be playing tricks on me."

%ACT% Tim'ofej places the kettle on the oven. (We're employing the SIMPLIFIED PPS TEA PROCEDURE that does not require filling of water or actual tea leaves.)

Tim'ofej: "It's alright. So, where are you from?"

Yan'ano: "I was born here in Shan'eno - but some very unfortunate events forced me to leave my home and my family behind. I spent a long time in solitude, doing some serious soul searching."

Tim'ofej: And, did you find what you were looking for?"

Yan'ano: "I realized I couldn't hide from my past forever. I had to return and finally take care of my unfinished business."

Tim'ofej: "Do you want to talk about it?"

Yan'ano: "No. Sorry if that makes it sound even more mysterious, but the less you know, the better for you. It's nothing I want anybody to be involved in but me. Especially not someone as kind as you."

%ACT% Yan'ano looks around.

Yan'ano: "I see quite a lot of paintings around here ... are you some sort of artist?"

Tim'ofej (proud): "Not just some sort, but an official purveyor of the royal household! I can do everything from portraits to epic murals. The new mosaic on the high city gate is my design, for example!"

Yan'ano: "You also seem to be quite the expert on mythical creatures!"

Tim'ofej: "Sort of, but that's just the stuff I draw for myself. Since the great purge, nobody wants anything magic related on their walls any more. *sighs* Which is a real shame. Dragons and gryphons are so cool!"

Yan'ano: "Is that why you were trying to hunt one as a trophy?"

Tim'ofej: "The hunt was ordered by the queen. I was just tagging along because I was curious to see if it actually existed. It was the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. I'm so glad it got away. But don't tell my ex I said that."

%SND% SND-1303 - Kettle Boiling

Tim'ofej: "Ah, and it's teatime!"

%ACT% Tim'ofej walks to the oven, and reaches out for the kettle, and it naturally jumps into his hand (just a small distance) as if it's the normal thing to occur.

%SND% RATS9 - Telekinesis Kettle (less subtle)

Yan'ano: "There! You did it again!"

Tim'ofej: "What? What did I do again?"

Yan'ano: "The kettle! It moved! All by itself!"

Tim'ofej: "It did?"

Yan'ano: "Put it on the table."

%ACT% Tim'ofej puts the kettle on the table.

%ACT% Yan'ano pulls the kettle towards himself, slightly out of Tim'ofej's reach.

Yan'ano: "Now reach for it again."

%ACT% Tim'ofej reaches for the kettle SLOWLY, and, equally SLOWLY, the kettle slides towards him and ends up in his hand.

%SND% RATS10 - Telekinesis Kettle (slow)

Yan'ano: "There ... see? SEE?"

Tim'ofej: "SEE WHAT?"

Yan'ano: "It literally JUMPED into your hand!"

Tim'ofej: "It's not supposed to do that?"

Yan'ano: "NO!?"

%ACT% Tim'ofej repeats the experiment. He puts the kettle on the table, reaches out for it ... and the kettle jumps into his hand.

%SND% RATS11 - Telekinesis Kettle (obvious)

Tim'ofej: "By Zan'ika's fluffy tail ... I ... I never even noticed ..."

Yan'ano: "Isn't it amazing?"

Tim'ofej: "No! It's creepy as hell!"

Yan'ano: "Calm down, everything is okay!"

Tim'ofej: "Nothing is okay! It's like that joke where someone tells you, 'Hey, did you know your TONGUE is in your MOUTH right now?" and then you can't un-feel it for the rest of the day! ONLY WORSE! SHIT!"

%ACT% Tim'ofej puts the kettle back on the table and takes a step back, looking at his hands, left and right, completely weirded out.

Yan'ano: "You have THE GIFT, Tim'ofej."

%ACT% Tim'ofej acts like he's just been told he's got cancer.

Tim'ofej (talking himself into a frenzy): "THE GIFT? OF MAGIC? ... is ... is that what it's like? I never thought ... I ... oh by Zan'ika's unyielding scratching post ... how did I get to live to my age and NOT NOTICE this ... I've literally been doing my work in front of the queen for years, and practicing FORBIDDEN MAGIC without even knowing ... she could have seen it at any time! WHAT IF SHE DID!? I'm so screwed."

%ACT% Tim'ofej puts his paws over his eyes in anguish.

Yan'ano: "Don't be ashamed! It's one of the most wonderful gifts nature can give you!"

Tim'ofej: "If it weren't for the royal guard hunting down the gifted like they're the spawn of demons! I won't even be able to casually pick up a fucking brush again without the fear of getting sent to the block by my best customer! Fuck!"

%ACT% Tim'ofej flails his hands around in anger.

%SND% RATS12 - Telekinesis SWEEP 1 + Karömpel

%HND% Tim'ofej magically swipes all things off of shelf [7] (to the left, bottle, water bottle, 1x bread)

Tim'ofej: "Yaaaargh! Shit!"

%SND% RATS13 - Telekinesis SWEEP 2 + Karömpel

%HND% Tim'ofej magically swipes all things off of shelf [6] (to the right, 4x decorative object)

%HND% The window curtains wave, the dragon painting rocks, the bread on the table moves a bit.

%ACT% Tim'ofej looks at his own hands in panic.

Tim'ofej (desperately): "NO! HANDS! STOP DOING THAT! I DON'T WANT THIS! Goddamit, what have you DONE to me?!"

%ACT% Tim'ofej cries, and drops onto the chair next to the table at [5, 1st], head in paws on the table, sobbing.

%ACT% Yan'ano sighs.

Yan'ano: "You know, I don't have a lot of hope left in my life, but when I saw what you just did, for a brief moment, I did feel hope. Hope that maybe the age of magic isn't over yet."

Tim'ofej: "Why is life throwing nothing but shit at me? It's hard enough to scrape by with art as it is, even if you're working for the goddamn queen. When I inherited this house from my mom, it was like a godsend. But for my stupid boyfriend it was nothing more than ugly shack smelling like old people. I spent all my childhood here, this is my family's home, this is where I feel safe. He wasn't interested in any of that. It was going to be either him or the house. AND NOW THIS! FUCK OFF YAN'ANO! ... just ... fuck off."

%ACT% Yan'ano sighs.

Yan'ano: "I'm so sorry, Tim. I'm also carrying a very large burden on my shoulders, an old debt that I have to settle, and when the day comes it's not going to be pretty. I didn't plan to get involved with anyone else's affairs. And the last thing I expected was making a new friend. But then you came along and completely overwhelmed me with your kindness. And seeing you cry now just breaks my heart. I thought I was showing you something good."

Tim'ofej: "Who the hell are you really, Yan? And don't you DARE lie to me again!"

Yan'ano: "I am Yan'ano, half brother of queen Zil'iya-Sen, and the last mage of Sen'ayda."

Tim'ofej (laughing cynically): "Oh come on!"

Yan'ano: "I've taught many students the art of magic in my lifetime. I can help you tame this wild talent of yours."

Tim'ofej: "I don't believe a word you're saying."

%ATT% Have Yan'ano's grpyhon puppet ready behind the easel.

Yan'ano: "But it's the truth."

Tim'ofej: "Then prove it. Go on. Do something I can't. Something only a true mage can do!"

Yan'ano: "Alright. Would you please close the curtains? I don't want anyone but you to see this."

Tim'ofej: "This had better be good."

%ACT% Tim'ofej closes the window curtains and returns near his seat at [5, 1st] while ...

Yan'ano: "Just wait for it."

%HND% Execute Yan'ano's transformation.

%SND% SND-1308 - Magic Transformation

%LIG% LX-1302 +TF magic
%HND% Perform the transformation effect

%ACT% Tim'ofej gets really scared for a moment!

%ATT% Switch Yan'ano's puppet to his gryphon form. Take Yan'ano's wolf puppet off stage.

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "I hope this is proof enough."

%ACT% Tim'ofej stands there with his mouth open in awe

Tim'ofej (whispering): "Holy ... fucking ... shit ... is this ... is this for real?"

%ACT% Tim'ofej is struck with awe, gawking at the magnificent creature

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "Yes. It was me you guys were shooting at. Surprised?"

Tim'ofej: "You can ... change your shape?"

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "Yes. But it's very hard, and very exhausting. I'll have to get some rest before I can change myself back, because I've already done it a few times today. But I thought you'd appreciate my celestial form."

Tim'ofej: "As far as I'm concerned, you can stay like that for as long as you like."

Yan'ano_Gryphon (chuckles): "Now that you are no longer so mad at me, may I try and ease your pain a little?"

Tim'ofej: "How?"

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "Come closer. Closer. Even closer. Don't worry I won't eat you. Now put your arms around my neck."

%ACT% Tim'ofej does as he's told.

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "Now close your eyes. Hmmm ... hmmmm ... hmmmm ..."

%ACT% Yan'ano_Gryphon hums a mystic sounding melody.

%ACT% Tim'ofej relaxes.

Tim'ofej: "I really do feel better. What kind of magic is this now?"

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "It's called 'a hug'. It's super effective."

Tim'ofej: "It's been a while since I had one."

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "And it won't have been the last one. You still have your whole life ahead of you."

Tim'ofej: "What you said about teaching me how to control my gift ... would you really do that? What about that serious business you have to take care of?"

Yan'ano_Gryphon: "I've been holding off on it for so many years, it won't really make a huge difference if things have to wait a little longer. And if this will give me one final chance to share the wonders of magic with someone again, it'll all be worth it. Especially you, Tim."

%LIG% LX-0099 Lights out


%HND% Close the Curtain.

%HND% Curtain - close

%LIG% LX-0099 Work Light ON

%ATT% Microphone handover from ROLE to OTHER ROLE