Act 1, Scene 4: Everything is Just Eggplanty

Setting: Outside, sunny but cold weather. We're on the town's marketplace. Sellers are trying to sell their wares. All kinds of fruits, vegetables, fish, cheese, and among them, Tim'ofej trying to sell his paintings, and offering impromptu pencil portraits and parody sketches. Get creative with the paintings :) His stand looks a bit like a medieval version of a dealers' den booth. The stand to the left of him is selling eggplants. The stand to the right of him is selling peaches.
Stage setupNameComment
Left: Town_Square_Left
Middle: Town_Square_Middle
Right: Town_Square_Right
On 2nd rail
eggplant_stand[6, 2nd] (Two people for set up) Counter height: 1.92 m from 1st level, roof height: 3.07 m from 1st Level
tims_stand[4, 2nd] Needs enough artwork to offer a hiding place behind (Two people for set up)
peach_stand[2, 2nd] (Two people for set up)
On playrail
Hand props & personal props
sketch book2ndVoiceFor Tim'ofej
peachZephyr3x for peach_stand
eggplantFoxel3x for eggplant_stand
sausagesNoneFor Yan'ano
size chartNoneFor Eggplant_Merchant
parchmentKayjayFor Vis'alik
Special effects
Yan'anoLunoOrunEisfuchsYan'ano Wolf
Passer-by_4NoneNoneNoneFeivel McBrookhaven
Passer-by_5NoneNoneNoneGene e Pihg
1RATS14Remote 1 Blue Button (set 1 to 14)Telekinesis: Tim grabs Eggplant
Intro**??:?? **
Dialogue**09:15 **
**Scene Total****??:?? **


%LIG% LX-0099 Work Light OFF (Static Playbacks)

%LIG% LX-0099 STANDBY for GO, T2, sharpies O light #18, backdrop L7C blue light #19

%MIX% Check Levels
%MIX% Unmute Desk

%MIX% Puppeteer1: ON


%ATT% STANDBY Stage left [1, 1st, off]: Vis'alik, Passer-by_1, Puppets without actors: Potami, Feivel McBrookhaven, Gene (Donkey von Rangarig)

%ATT% STANDBY Stage left [1, 2nd, off]: Yan'ano (Wolf puppet)

%ATT% STANDBY Stage right [7, 1st, off]: Meld'okan, Passer-by_2, Puppets without actors: Bailey, Sunchaser

%ATT% STANDBY Stage right [7, 2nd, off]: None

%ATT% STANDBY Stage: Tim'ofej behind tims_stand at [4, 2nd], Eggplant_Merchant behind his eggplant_stand at [6, 2nd], Peach_Merchant behind his peach_stand at [2, 2nd], Customer in front of eggplant_stand at [6, 1st].

%AMB% AMB-1401 - Marketplace Ambience

%LIG% LX-0000 T2 near, mid, far, backdrop und sharpie fade-in

%HND% Open the Curtain.

%HND% Curtain - open

%LIG% LX-1400 Day

%ACT% Tim'ofej is sitting at his market booth at [4, 2nd], scribbling something into a sketch book.

%ACT% A Customer at [6, 1st] is arguing with the Eggplant_Merchant at [6, 2nd] next door about the size of the eggplants.

%ACT% A Rat_Thief at [2, 1st] is trying to steal a peach from the Peach_Merchant at [2, 2nd].

%ACT% Passer-by_1, Passer-by_2 and Customer are passing by at random throughout the scene on the 1st level. The actors can change puppets when they leave the stage to get more variety. Puppets will be ready next to the stage for this. Actors are not supposed to cross the scene and turn around at Tim's stand to get back to where they came from.

%ACT% Meld'okan enters from [7, 1st], and approaches Tim'ofej.

Meld'okan: "Oh, hi Tim! What's up?"

%ACT% Tim'ofej doesn't look up from his sketch book.

Tim'ofej: "Meld, if you don't want to be a part of my life, why don't you just stay out of it? Next customer please!"

%ACT% Tim'ofej intensifies his scribbling.

Meld'okan: "Look. I ... I know I've been acting like an asshole lately."

Tim'ofej: "Not just lately."

Meld'okan: "Yeah. And you know what? I'm sorry. The recent months have been pretty lonely."

%ACT% Tim'ofej puts down his sketch book, looking up.

Tim'ofej: "Lonely?"

%ACT% Tim'ofej leans over the edge of his booth, looking down at Meld'okan.

Tim'ofej: "Says the guy who DUMPED me because my NEW HOUSE wasn't FANCY enough!"

Meld'okan: "I don't know what I was thinking. I've been in a very bad place recently. I mean mentally."

Tim'ofej: "And what about me? I've been trying really hard to be 'just friends' with you, but you keep hurting me, again and again."

Meld'okan: "I miss the times when we were more than just friends."

Tim'ofej (annoyed): "Look, Meld, if you're horny, THE EGGPLANT STAND IS RIGHT THERE!"

%ACT% Tim'ofej points both hands at the eggplant_stand.

%AMB% RATS14 - Telekinesis EGGPLANT 1

%HND% The nearest eggplant flies right into the hands of Tim'ofej.

%ACT% The Eggplant_Merchant stares at Tim'ofej, mouth wide open.

%ACT% The Customer doesn't want cursed eggplants and walks away towards [7]. Customer and Customer-Hands now join the randomly passing by customers. Customer-Hands does so at [1].

Tim'ofej: "WHOOPS! OH CRAP! ERMM ..."

Tim'ofej: "Let's put this back where it belongs ... I'm sorry."

%ACT% Tim'ofej looks the Eggplant_Merchant in the eyes, who stands there, frozen, mouth gaping open.

%ACT% Tim'ofej reaches out, and pushes the eggplant into the guy's mouth to shut it.

Meld'okan: "Uhm, Tim?"

Tim'ofej: "Oh yeah, sorry, where were we?"

Meld'okan: "I mean it, Tim. If there's anything I can do to make you give me another chance ... please tell me! I still kinda ... love you!"

%ACT% Yan'ano enters from [1, 2nd] - he's in his anthro form. He walks over to Tim'ofej behind the stand, passing the peach sales guy. Has has sausages in his hands.

Yan'ano: "Hey, Tim! Look what I found! Smoked turkey sausages! They're gonna make a perfect dinner!"

Tim'ofej: "Ah! And I have just the perfect red wine to go with that!"

Yan'ano: "How romantic! But I'm afraid I can't drink red wine, it gives me heartburn. I'll stick with the mead."

%ACT% Meld'okan is shocked.

Meld'okan: "Oh. OH!"

Tim'ofej: "Oh Meld'okan meet my friend ..."

Yan'ano: "Till'edil. Nice to make your acquaintance."

Tim'ofej: "He's my new mentor."

Meld'okan: "A mentor who buys you dinner. I understand. So I guess I'm really not needed here any more."

%ACT% Meld'okan turns around towards the Eggplant_Merchant.

Meld'okan: "Hey you, how much are the eggplants?"

%ACT% Meld'okan continues in a silent conversation with the Eggplant_Merchant, discussing the dimensions of eggplants. Seems to be a common topic. The Eggplant_Merchant shows Meld'okan a size chart.

Yan'ano: "Was that the crazy ex you've been talking about?"

Tim'ofej: "Corrrrrrrrrect."

Yan'ano: "That's the guy who tried to shoot me."

Tim'ofej: "Also correct."

Yan'ano: "And you tried really hard to make him jealous."

Tim'ofej: "What are you, some sort of psychic?"

Yan'ano: "No, seriously, why did you do that?"

Tim'ofej: "*sigh* He's a good guy, if a little simple minded. I still kinda like him. But for the moment, he can go fuck right off. And besides, I have YOU now."

Yan'ano: "As a mentor."

%ACT% Passer-by_1, Passer-by_2 and Customer stop passing by through the scene at random and disappear off stage.

Tim'ofej: "You're so much more to me than just a mentor."

Yan'ano: "You do realize how old I am, don't you?"

Tim'ofej: "Doesn't matter to me."

Yan'ano: "And I wasn't joking when I said that I'm not someone you want to get attached to. There's still a lot you don't know about me."

Tim'ofej: "Don't you at least like me a little bit, too?"

%ACT% Vis'alik enters from the peach side at [1, 1st], walking towards tims_stand.

Yan'ano: "I just put my original life purpose aside for you. And I bought you sausages for dinner."

%ACT% Tim'ofej hugs Yan'ano.

Tim'ofej: "You're the best! Mrrrrrr!"

Vis'alik: "*clears his throat* Mr. Tim'ofej?"

%ACT% Tim'ofej lets go of Yan'ano.

%ACT% Yan'ano sees Vis'alik, and hides behind the artwork as inconspicuously as he can.

Tim'ofej: "Oh, the esteemed Vis'alik, what have I done to deserve the honour of an audience with the personal assistant to her majesty, the queen?"

Vis'alik: "I've been told you were part of the gryphon hunting party. And also that you're one of the greatest artists who has ever graced this beautiful city."

Tim'ofej: "Uhm, yes, I took part in the hunt. And I believe I'm certainly not the worst. But why do you ask?"

%HND% Give Meld'okan an eggplant.

Vis'alik: "The queen has a special assignment for you. Her majesty saw the creature flying over the royal palace several times, but she was never able to get a closer look. She wants you to create a painting depicting the creature with as much realistic detail as possible. It is **very** important to her. Would you be willing to take this commission?"

Tim'ofej: "I'm very honoured and all, but ... uhm ... to be honest, it was pretty dark, and I'm not so sure if I could meet her expectations..."

%ACT% Meld'okan now has an eggplant in his paw, which he wields around while chiming into the ongoing conversation.

Meld'okan: "Now when will you stop selling yourself short, oh mighty Tim'ofej!"

Tim'ofej: "Meld, what the fuck!"

Meld'okan: "You know, Mr. Vis'alik, Sir, the mighty Tim'ofej isn't just known for his incredible impressionist landscapes and murals, he's also the realm's most renowned expert on mythical creatures such as dragons, serpents and gryphons!"

Vis'alik: "Yes, why do you think I'm here?"

Meld'okan: "You should ask him to show you his special anatomical studies he has in what he calls his 'after dark collection'. Very inspiring!"

%ACT% Tim'ofej takes telekinetic control of Meld'okan's eggplant, dragging him first into one, then into the other direction, and finally off stage at [7].

%AMB% SND-1402 - Telekinesis EGGPLANT 2

Meld'okan: "Whh-oo-oooa!"

Vis'alik: "Well, uhm, I think the queen is more likely to be interested in a more ... general depiction. You know ... markings, feathers, colours, face and so on."

Tim'ofej: "Of course, ignore what that other guy said, he's not quite right in the head."

Vis'alik: "*laughs* And he seems to be quite a pervert, too ..."

Tim'ofej (fake-laughs, knowing that he himself is the pervert): "Hahaha! Hahahaaaha! Yeah!"

Vis'alik: "So, will you take this commission?"

Tim'ofej: "As I said, I didn't really see a lot of details, and I'm also quite busy at the moment, which means ..."

%ACT% Vis'alik puts a piece of parchment on the table in front of Tim'ofej.

Vis'alik: "It **IS** very important to her majesty."

%ACT% Tim'ofej looks at the parchment.

%AMB% SND-1403 - KA-CHING!!!!

%ACT% Tim'ofej gasps.


Vis'alik: "Very well. I will see you next week then."

%ACT% Vis'alik turns around and leaves the stage at [1].

%ACT% Passer-by_1, Passer-by_2 and Customer start passing by through the scene at random again.

Tim'ofej: "H-Have a nice day, Mr. Vis'is'alikiki ... sir ... *pffffff*"

%ACT% Tim'ofej waves after Vis'alik, slightly dazed.

%ACT% Yan'ano steps forward.

Yan'ano: "Tim, what the hell were you thinking?"

%ACT% Tim'ofej points at the parchment.

Tim'ofej: "That was an offer I could not refuse."

Yan'ano: "No, I mean waving your powers around in front of the queen's personal assistant like that!"

Tim'ofej: "I was ANGRY! I couldn't help it, it just happened!"

Yan'ano: "We need to get your magic under control as soon as possible."

Tim'ofej: "Yes, please! When do we start?"

Yan'ano: "Very soon. I used to know just the right place for magic lessons, but I have to check if it still exists."

Tim'ofej: "I can't wait! Oh, and by the way ... would you mind if I actually drew a picture of the real you, or should I make something up?"

Yan'ano: "Zil'iya can smell a lie ten miles against the wind. You'd better draw the real me."

Tim'ofej: "You don't mind her recognizing you?"

Yan'ano: "No. I'll be happy to be your model if that helps you get the job done. And maybe learn how a REAL gryphon looks up close. Your 'after dark studies' are SO UNREALISTIC."

Tim'ofej: "YOU SAW THEM?!"

Yan'ano: "Couldn't help taking a peek at your sketchbook."

Tim'ofej: "ARRRRRGH! Uhm, well, anyways ... I'll draw you however YOU like. Any requests?"

Yan'ano: "Yes. I want you to draw me like a fiery angel of death, ready to strike down from the heavens at any moment. I want the queen to know her days are numbered."

Tim'ofej: "What?"

Yan'ano: "Yes Tim. This is what I really came here for. To kill the queen or die trying. So don't you dare fall in love with me."

Tim'ofej (dry): "Too late."

%ACT% Tim'ofej hugs Yan'ano

Yan'ano (dry): "Fuck."

%LIG% LX-0099 Lights out


%HND% Close the Curtain.

%HND% Curtain - close

%LIG% LX-0099 Work Light ON

%ATT% Microphone handover from ROLE to OTHER ROLE