Act 3, Scene 1: Make Pavlov Proud

Setting: The Throne room. Every square millimeter is optimized to tell the visitor how worthless they are. Intricate ornaments carved into pure unobtanium. The morning light is casting brilliant beams of colorful bright light through stained windows handcrafted by naked virgins at moonlight. A dazzling display of power and wealth. The center piece is a wooden throne sculpted from the most beautiful wood in all of Sen'ayda.
Stage setupNameComment
BacklightNoneFor the windows
Left: Queens_Dining_Room_Left
Middle: Queens_Dining_Room_Middle
Right: Throne_Room_Right
On 2nd rail
wooden throne[3, 2nd] Made out of beautiful wood (two persons for set up). 1.42m from 2nd Level to seating height.
On playrail
Hand props & personal props
ropeNoneFor Meld'okan to be tied up with.
fancy swordNoneFor Vis'alik to carry as part of his costume
Special effects
beam of lightKayjayOut of Zil'iya's eyes, fixed to puppet.
blue lightKayjayOut of Zil'iya's right paw, fixed to puppet.
red lightKayjayOut of Zil'iya's left paw, fixed to puppet.
bright white flash of lightNoneAimed at/Coming out of Meld'okan's head. (FOH)
fogAikoA bit of Haze to make Zil'iya's Lights more visible.
Zil'iyaPano'wolfZil'iya Wolf
Intro**00:00 **
Dialogue**00:00 **
**Scene Total****00:00 **


%LIG% LX-0099 Work Light OFF (Static Playbacks)

%LIG% LX-0099 STANDBY for GO, L7 backpro Light Blue #154, T2 near und far auf B light #19, THRONE LIGHT: sharpie 204 O lm

%MIX% Check Levels
%MIX% Unmute Desk

%MIX% Puppeteer1: ON


%ATT% STANDBY Stage left [1, 1st, off]: None

%ATT% STANDBY Stage left [1, 2nd, off]: None

%ATT% STANDBY Stage right [7, 1st, off]: Vis'alik, Meld'okan

%ATT% STANDBY Stage right [7, 2nd, off]: None

%ATT% STANDBY Stage: Zil'iya on throne at [3, 2nd].

%LIG% LX-0000 fade-in: backpro 100%, backdrop T2 near, mid, far alle, sharpie 204

%HND% Open the Curtain.

%HND% Curtain - open

%LIG% LX-3100 -> 1-2 Room

%AMB% AMB-3101 - Palace Ambience

%ACT% Zil'iya thrones on her wooden throne at [3, 2nd], wearing a golden crown-like crown, and a fantasy dress, designed to make her look as different from the general public as possible, and younger than she actually is.

%SND% SND-3101 Door Open / Close

%ACT% Vis'alik and Meld'okan enter the room from [7, 1st].

%ACT% Meld'okan gets pushed from behind by Vis'alik towards the middle of the stage. His hands are bound behind his back by rope.

Vis'alik: "Your Majesty!"

Zil'iya: "Vis'alik! And oh, it's you again."

Vis'alik: "Yes, it's him again. I caught him at the tavern last night, drunk as a skunk, telling the folks a story about mages and gryphons."

Zil'iya: "Then let's see how much he still remembers now that he's sober."

Vis'alik: "On your knees, Meld'okan."

%ACT% Vis'alik kicks Meld'okan to the back of his knees, forcing him down.

%ACT% Meld'okan falls to his knees near [5, 1st], his head lowered, avoiding to look at the queen.

Vis'alik: "Now speak."

Meld'okan: "Woof Woof."

%ACT% Vis'alik kicks Meld'okan in the back, who faceplants on the floor.


Meld'okan: "Arrgh!"

Vis'alik: "This is not a game. You're talking to THE QUEEN."

%ACT% Vis'alik grabs Meld'okan by the back of his head/hair, and pulls him back up.

Meld'okan: "*groan* I was drunk. I made it all up. I have nothing to say, really."

Zil'iya: "I would still like to hear it, I'm always up for a good story."

Meld'okan: "I can't even remember anything."

Zil'iya: "Don't worry. I can help you with that. I'm an expert on memories."

%ACT% Zil'iya stands up from her wooden throne, and approaches Meld'okan until she's about a meter away at [4, 1st].

%ACT% Vis'alik takes a step or two back to get some distance.

Zil'iya: "Look at me."

%ACT% Meld'okan refuses.

Zil'iya: "Look at me, please."

%ACT% Zil'iya makes a "rise" gesture with her hands, forcing Meld'okan to look at her.

%SND% SND-3103 Subtle Persuasion

%HND% Add a bit of fog to make the lights more visible.

%ACT% Meld'okan raises his head involuntarily.

Zil'iya: "There we go. And the less you try to resist, the easier this is going to be on you. Just so you know."

%ACT% Zil'iya leans forward a bit, arms outstretched, pointing her hands at Meld'okan's head, staring into his eyes.

Zil'iya: "Now relax."

%ACT% Zil'iya 's eyes flash, sending a beam of light right into Meld'okan's head.

%SND% SND-3104 Telepathic Intrusion

%ACT% Meld'okan flinches, as if being hit by a strong electric current, every muscle in his body cramping up. He's shaking slightly. He wants to move, but is unable to.

Zil'iya: "There we go ..."

%ACT% Zil'iya remains still, fully concentrated on reading Meld'okan's mind.

Meld'okan (paralyzed, whispering weakly): "Stop ... stop ... please ... stop ..."

%ACT% Zil'iya lets go of Meld'okan's mind, her eyes going back to normal, and she goes into a relaxed stance again. The beam of light disappears.

%SND% SND-3105 Telepathic Intrusion Ends

%ACT% Meld'okan collapses slightly, breathing heavily.

Zil'iya: "So it's exactly as I thought. Yan'ano, my brother himself, really has returned. I had hoped the old fool would have become wiser with age, but it seems he's still the same starry eyed idealist he used to be."

Meld'okan: "Your Majesty. You've got everything you wanted. Can I please leave now."

Zil'iya: "You fear for your friend, Tim'ofej, because he's a gifted child, and you love him so much! And oh my god, you are so jealous. You can't wait to run back and just grab him an take him someplace far away and safe ..."

Meld'okan: "Yes, he has magic powers, and I know that's forbidden, but he is innocent! He's using his powers for brewing tea and taunting chickens. He would never, ever challenge your Majesty. Do whatever you will to the gryphon mage, but please let him live. I beg you!"

Zil'iya: "My brother expects to fight me in person. Does he really believe I'd be foolish enough to agree to a duel, like in the old heroic tales, at the crack of dawn, at the old clearing in the forest? I must admit, it would be kinda romantic ... but I think, I have a better idea."

Meld'okan: "Does that mean I can go?"

Zil'iya: "No, not yet. First, I have to tell you something. I'm not your enemy. I know exactly how you feel. Your love, your pain, your memories. Everything. I am the only one who will ever truly understand you. And I think there is something I can do to ease your pain and give your life a purpose again."

Meld'okan: "Yes? How?"

Zil'iya: "Just trust your feelings."

Meld'okan: "Which ones?"

%ACT% Zil'iya points the palm of her right paw at Meld'okan, arm outstretched.

%HND% Some really bright, blue light emanates from Zil'iya's paw towards Meld'okan.

%SND% SND-3106 Mind Control Pain Level 1

%ACT% Meld'okan is once more paralyzed, his body suddenly hit with intense pain like a hammer, knocking the breath out of his lungs, completely overwhelmed.

Meld'okan: "*groans and writhes*"

Zil'iya: "Pain can be a strong motivation. It helps you to learn how to predict dangerous situations in the future. Make sure to remember this feeling. Let it be etched into your mind, never to be forgotten, and realize that this is just a glimpse at the amount of pain I can give you."

%ACT% Zil'iya lowers her arm, and the blue light disappears.

%SND% SND-3107 Mind Control Ends

%ACT% Meld'okan can move again.

Meld'okan (gasps): "Fuck ... fuck ... Z...Zan'ika ... shit ..."

%ACT% Zil'iya let's Meld'okan catch his breath for a few seconds.

%ACT% Zil'iya raises her left arm. Some really bright, red light emanates from Zil'iya's paw towards Meld'okan.

%SND% SND-3108 Mind Control Pleasure Level 1

%ACT% Meld'okan gets flooded with intense pleasure, like every cell of his body is having an orgasm at the same time, again and again.

%ACT% Meld'okan convulses and makes awkward happy cat noises.

Meld'okan: "Oh god ... oh god ... oooohhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

Zil'iya: "But then, there's also pleasure. The ultimate reward, it teaches us what is good, what to do - what we need - to stay alive. Feels good, doesn't it? Make sure to remember this feeling also. Let it be etched into your mind, never to be forgotten, and realize, that this is just a glimpse at the amount of pleasure I can give you."

%ACT% Zil'iya lowers her arm, and the red light disappears.

%SND% SND-3109 Mind Control Ends

%ACT% Meld'okan can move again.

%ACT% Meld'okan is shaking with the aftershocks of a completely overloaded central nervous system.

Zil'iya: "Did you understand my lesson?"

Meld'okan: "Yes, my Queen."

Zil'iya: "Very good. Now listen closely."

%ACT% Zil'iya points the palm of her right paw at Meld'okan, arm outstretched - the blue light and the pain return.

%SND% SND-3110 Mind Control Pain Level 2

Zil'iya: "Think of Yan'ano - that vile creature who has stolen your loved one from you. Think of all the pain he has caused you. Fooling around with Tim'ofej right there before your eyes. Fulfilling all his perverted dreams. How Tim will never look back at you now that he has found his perfect partner, so beautiful, so strong. You know he belongs to you, but you shall never have him, again. Feel the pain. Remember the pain."

%ACT% Zil'iya lowers her right arm.

%SND% SND-3111 Mind Control Ends

%ACT% Meld'okan gasps for air, and begins to cry ...

Meld'okan (sobbing): "That gryphon bastard .... I hate him so much ..... I HATE HIM!!!!"

Zil'iya: "And you have all the right to do so. But there is a way out! Let me show you!"

%ACT% Zil'iya points the palm of her left paw at Meld'okan, arm outstretched - the red light and the pleasure return.

%SND% SND-3112 Mind Control Pleasure Level 2

Zil'iya: "Imagine the wonderful times you had together. How happy you were, and how happy you could be again, if it weren't for Yan'ano. Remember the warmth of his touch, his sweet breath on your face. Feel the longing. This can be yours again. All that is standing between you and Tim is my brother, Yan'ano. We must get him out of the way so you can be happy again. Do you want to be happy again?"

Meld'okan (in ecstasy): "Yes, my Queen ... yes ..."

Zil'iya: "Then you have to kill him! But don't try it when he's in his gryphon form. You can hurt the gryphon, but as soon as he shifts back all effects will be gone. Kill the wolf and be happy! Kill the wolf and be happy! Kill the wolf and be happy! Kill the wolf and be happy!"

%SND% SND-3113 Mind Control Pleasure Level 3

%ACT% Zil'iya ramps up the pleasure during the repetitions. She then makes a step forward, holding Meld'okan's head between her paws.

Zil'iya: "You are now my slave!"

%ACT% Zil'iya kisses Meld'okan on the nose.

%HND% A bright white flash of light lights up Meld'okan's head.

%SND% SND-3114 Mind Control Ends with a bang

%ACT% Meld'okan 's mind gets wiped by a rush of magic power - if this were an animation by H0rs3, he'd fill the room knee high with jizz now. But he becomes unconscious before being able to enjoy most of it. He rag dolls to the floor.

%ACT% Zil'iya wipes her paws.

Zil'iya: "Remove his bonds."

Vis'alik: "Yes, your majesty."

%ACT% Vis'alik frees Meld'okan and removes the rope.

%ACT% Meld'okan wakes up, pushing himself up. He acts like nothing that has happened in the last two days ever happened. He seems to be relaxed and content.

Meld'okan: "My queen? Please accept my apologies. The marble floor ... I must have slipped."

Zil'iya: "Apology accepted. Your report has been very useful. Your queen is satisfied. You may now leave."

Meld'okan: "As you wish. Fare-thee well, your majesty."

%ACT% Meld'okan bows, and leaves at [7, 1st].

%SND% SND-3115 Door Open / Close

%ACT% Zil'iya sits back on her wooden throne at [3, 2nd].

Vis'alik: "And what now, your majesty?"

Zil'iya: "And now, we wait."

%LIG% LX-0099 Lights out

%HND% Close the Curtain.

%HND% Curtain - close

%LIG% LX-0099 Work Light ON

%ATT% Microphone handover from ROLE to OTHER ROLE