Act 3, Scene 2: The Front Lines



%SND% light chatter and various battle preparation sounds outside.

General: "Report, commander!"

Commander: "All soldiers are lined up in formation and ready to go."

General: "Good, good. We should be ready for battle once those Shan'eno bastards get here. Our initial intel suggests their numbers are minimal so this shouldn't take too long. I'd like to be home before nightfall if possible."

Commander: "We should be getting an update about their movements from the scouting group any moment now."

General: "Perfect."

%SND% Sounds outside quietens

%ACT% Soldier_1 runs in panting heavily.

Soldier_1 (out of breath): "Sir! They're coming! By Zan'ika they're coming!"

General: "Snap out of it soldier. What's going on, where's the scout leader?"

Soldier_1 (quivering): "Dead ... They're all dead."

General: "What happened?"

Soldier_1 (quivering): "We were ambushed. We hid in our designated spots far off from their group, but they somehow knew exactly where we were. **It** slaughtered everyone ... There was so much blood ..."

General: "It? What are you talking about man?"

Soldier_1: "I ... I don't know ... They had some creature with them ... It tore through us all one by one like a devil! And everyone left suddenly started to behave like they were obsessed by demons, going after their own comrades! I couldn't ... I ran ... I'm sorry ... By Zan'ika the screams ..."

General: "Pull yourself together man, what else can you tell me about-"

%SND% Sounds of explosions and screaming from outside

%ACT% Soldier_2 enters

Soldier_2: "Sir! They're here! They just appeared from the treeline before we realized it and-"

Commander: "Then what the hell are you doing here, soldier! Get back out there and FIGHT!"

Soldier_2: "Commander, Sir, you don't understand, there's nobody left to fight them!"

General: "He's clearly delusional."

Commander: "Get your shit together, soldier! Get back out there, and do your duty, or else ..."

%SND% Sound of sword being drawn

Soldier_2: "The men ... They're all gone ... Please ... It's coming! I'd rather die by your sword than getting torn apart by that ... thing ... Do it, before it gets here ... DO IT ... PLEASE! AAAARRRRGH!"

%ACT% Commander kills the Soldier_2

General: "Coward ... Some people just aren't fit to serve their country."

%ACT% Zil'iya enters the tent

Zil'iya: "Greetings! So this is where the party is, hmm?"

Commander: "What the hell! Who are you? And what ... AAAAARRGHAHGHBLLALBLLBLBLBLL *SPLATTER*"

%SND% Sounds of soldiers and the Commander being violently torn apart

Zil'iya: "Ah, and you must be the General. I must admit, I expected more from your army. I barely even broke a sweat. How am I meant to have fun if everyone just dies so easily. I know, how about you and I have some fun, hmm?"

%SND% Sounds of magic being cast

Zil'iya: "And now that I have your full attention ... Bleed yourself for me."

General (mindless): "As you wish, my mistress."

%SND% Stabbing sounds and grunting before a body hitting the floor

Zil'iya: "Now give me your magic energy ... yesssss ... Aaaah. Life can be so easy when people just do what they're told."