Act 3, Scene 3: Farewell, my Friend



%ATT% We're outside the hut that Yan'ano has been living in for a long time in exile, far away from Shan'eno.

%SND% Wooden door opens, Yan'ano steps outside

Ra'enya: "So, Yan'ano, is it finally time to say goodbye?"

Yan'ano: "Yes, Ra'enya. Thank you for letting me live in your gardeners cottage all these years. You, and this place have become very dear to me. But I have to go home. My sister has been waiting all this time for me."

Ra'enya: "And that one bag is all you're going to take with you?"

Yan'ano: "It's all I'm going to need now."

Ra'enya: "You sound so sad. Aren't you looking forward to going back to your homeland again?"

Yan'ano: "I'm actually quite afraid of it. Preparing for my return was the main reason I've stayed hidden here for so long."

Ra'enya: "Ah. So, you didn't leave on good terms."

Yan'ano: "Sadly not. And I have a difficult score to settle with my sister."

Ra'enya: "Well, then I wish you luck, Yan. I'm going to miss you. I'll take good care of all the things you're leaving behind here, in case you want to come back some day."

Yan'ano: "That's so sweet of you Ra, but you don't have to. Better get rid of all that junk and do something nice with the cottage. Oh, except one thing. There's a big trunk in the attic. I want you to keep that safe. It's my collection of books and scrolls. I saved them from being burned and forgotten, and maybe, in better times, they might be of great value. Feel free to read them but it would be best not to flaunt them around. Those types of scrolls were burnt for a reason."

Ra'enya: "I'll keep your collection safe, don't you worry. So how are you going to get there? Going to take the mail coach?"

Yan'ano: "No, that takes too long, and I'm an old man, those shaky things only hurt my bones. I'm going to fly."

Ra'enya: "You're going to WHAT?"

Yan'ano: "You've been so kind to me, there's something you deserve to know."

%SND% Transformation Sound


Yan'ano: "And I might well be the last of my kind."

Ra'enya: "I wish I had known, this explains so many things. And you look gorgeous. Damn."

Yan'ano: "These bones are a lot less old than my regular ones. Eh ... and yes, you can pet me."

Ra'enya: "Wha ... I didn't ..."

Yan'ano: "Come on, I know you want to. And it might make you the last person in the world to ever touch a real gryphon. Without trying to kill it."

Ra'enya: "That sounds grim. Do please take good care of yourself Yan."

%SND% *patpatpat*

Ra'enya: "And your secret will be safe with me."

Yan'ano: "After today, it won't be a secret anymore. Farewell my friend."

%SND% Yan'ano accelerates down the street and takes off into the skies of Sen'ayda.

Ra'enya (shouting after him): "Farewell, Yan'ano!"